Pleased to be doing a new project this month #meetthemakers on #instagram.
Love it if you could join me
Day Seven - YOU
So the bit on what I like.
#coffee * I do love #coffee at any time of the day, and love drinking It at night and the cold coffee I have first thing in the morning (from the night before)
New Humans * I always meeting new people in my life and learning life new stories from them , humans have so much to tell and learn from each other.
Orange * (maybe it’s the 70s life)
Cheese * I always loved cheese.
Observing life *
Books * I do love children’s picture books and have so many to look at and it’s heaven if children come round.
Flims * I do like the old classic films and catching up with so many I have missed.
Cats * I do love cats and always had them in my life.i do miss my two cats.
Things I don’t like
Tea * (the founder of the anti tea party ) but can make a good cuppa
Fish *(to eat) I always feel sorry for them as they just having a good day and then boom ,they are out of their home.
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