interview for workspiration

I Was asked to do a interview this week in which I always enjoy doing .
This was for the workspiration .a rather lovely Arty web magazine .
You can see the interview here .

1. Please introduce yourself: who are you, and what do you do?

Oh hello , I'm adrian mills and I'm a artist and draw children's books and bears .

2. How did you get started in art and children's book illustration, what is your background?

I have been drawing as long as I can remember and I knew that I would always do something with my art as I do enjoy the feeling you have when you certain something .i studied at Cambridge school of art in children's book illustration .(see below ) 

3. Where did you study? Looking back, would you recommend your path to beginners in illustration?

I started a long time ago in graphic design (bc) in rugby , before computers in which I learn to draw freehand and the lay out of how's things fitted on the page.After a break (a morning postman) I went to learn foundation in Hastings before going to a BA(hons) in fine art in Sunderland and finally going to do a Masters in children book illustration in Cambridge . So a lot of studying in all areas of art .

4. What is a turning point in your professional career?

I have had many near turns in my art and at the moment got a very exciting project in which could change my career but I'm afraid I can't say at the moment .but I'm very excited if it comes off.but I do think that all I have learn is making me learn more in the long turn .

5. What is your ideal work environment? Do you work in your studio all day long or prefer to mix a few activities? (Would you please to describe your workplace).

I have a studio in my garden and do work in there most days but do sometimes get out and walk to get new ideas.drawing can be a energy draining progress.

6. Where are your favorite places in your city or outside? 

I live at the present time in a small village in which you don't see many people.So I like going to city's and drawing people and buildings. I do like going to Cambridge as it's got a buzz of art and London as I like drawing on trains.

7. Who are the designers and illustrators, colleagues in your city/country or outside you admire most?

I am always seeing new artists on Pinterest in which I always enjoy .Seeing them develop as artists and the joy they bring as their styles change .
I do admire shaun tan as I always think his work is so lovely and the stories that he writes .
I also like Oliver Jeffers as he has done so well and his stories as so amazing .
